2024-2025 TUITION

All-Inclusive 2023-2024 Tuition for Students in Grades K – 8

First enrolled child is $5,674.

Second enrolled child (K-Grade 8) is $4,024.

The tuition for a third and fourth enrolled child is $0.

All-Inclusive 2023-2024 Tuition for Pre-K Students

PreK-5 Day: $5,129
PreK-3 Day: $3,077
PreK-2 Day: $2,052

A discount is given to a Pre-K (3-year-old and 4-year-old) student who has a sibling in Grades K – 8 at Saint Joseph School.

PreK-5 Days – $4,024
PreK-3 Days – $2,414
PreK-2 Days – $1,610

New Applicants:  Non-refundable Application Fee of $100.

Re-enrollment:  A non-refundable re-enrollment fee must be paid by the registration deadline. $50 if paid before January 13, 2023, or $100 starting on January 14, 2023.

Tuition payments are processed by FACTS Tuition Management.  We offer six (6) payment plans for students in grades K – 8.  Families will have the option of choosing one of the plans listed below during the online enrollment process.   (Limitations apply if not registered by July 1st)

Plan 1:  Full payment
Plan 2:  Semi-Annual payments
Plan 3:  Quarterly payments
Plan 4:  12 Monthly payments
Plan 5:  10 Monthly payments
Plan 6:  Weekly payments available to Pre-K students who do not have siblings in grades K – 8 billable 38 consecutive weeks beginning in September.

Billing Cycle is June through May.

Payment dates may be scheduled on the 1st or 15th of each month.

You will find our tuition table HERE.

Late Fee:  A $25 late fee may be assessed if tuition payments are not made by the due date.

“The best gift you can offer to your child is Catholic Education which develops the mind and forms the character. No child should be deprived of Catholic Education because of the lack of financial resources.”
— Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski

Saint Joseph School is committed to offering an outstanding education to qualified students regardless of financial means.  Financial Assistance awarded by The Diocese of Worcester and Saint Joseph School are determined by our partner, FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment, which conducts the financial needs analysis for the diocese and school.  The application process is completed entirely by FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment.  This ensures that your financial information remains private and that the award process is as quantifiable and balanced as possible.  FACTS Grand & Aid Assessment charges a $40 non-refundable application fee to process your application, but only one application per family needs to be filed.

Important Note:  While Saint Joseph School cannot guarantee the availability of the tuition assistance programs listed below, we do our best to help all of our families.  Failure to submit the necessary information by designated deadlines may result in your family not receiving financial aid or limit the amount given.  Families who enroll at Saint Joseph School after deadlines listed below, must submit a letter of financial need with supporting documentation.  Amounts awarded are on a case-to-case basis.

The Diocese of Worcester Tuition Assistance Fund

This fund was established to aid families of elementary and high school students in pursuing a Catholic education in the Diocese of Worcester. This program provides substantial tuition assistance for those who qualify. The application process is handled through FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment company, which provides a solid analysis of key factors in the financial lives of families. Its customer service center is dedicated to personal service for the families they assist.

All students must be registered at Saint Joseph School prior to the application deadline.

All families of students entering grades K through 8 in the fall are encouraged to apply. You do not need to be Catholic to qualify. The same application will be used to determine tuition assistance awarded by Saint Joseph School, so please indicate on the application if you want to be considered for this program as well. To apply, log in to your portal, then go to the “Financial” section from the left-hand side menu and click “Apply for Grant-in-Aid”.

FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment can also be reached at 1 (866) 315-9262 or by email at info@factsmgt.com.  (Please note that the application date changes each year.)

Failure to submit all the information by the deadline may result in your family not receiving aid or limit the amount given.

It is important to note that applications for assistance are made annually.  Assistance is not automatically renewed.  Because a family’s situation can change from one year to the next, we ask that you file a financial aid application only if you can demonstrate need.

Saint Joseph School Tuition Assistance

Several very generous Benefactors of Saint Joseph School make it possible for families to receive additional financial assistance to help with the cost of tuition.  Assistance is awarded based on a completed FACTS Grand & Aid Assessment application.  This includes the Nowak Family Scholarship and the Fels Family Scholarship.

Parish Subsidy

We strongly encourage all families to approach their “home” parish/pastor for a parish subsidy.  This subsidy DOES NOT require a completed FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment application.  Please download the Saint Joseph School form HERE and present it to Saint Joseph Parish or your “home” parish. The parish/pastor that approves a subsidy application subsequently provides the financial assistance.

Military/Veteran Discount

A 5% discount for students whose parent/guardian is either active duty or veterans of our military.  This DOES NOT require a completed FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment application.  Plese download the form HERE.

Saint Joseph School Merit Scholarship

A Saint Joseph School Merit Scholarship is available to students in Grades 4 though 7 who maintain High Honor status for three quarters of the current school year.  The scholarship will be applied to the following year.  This scholarship DOES NOT require a completed FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment application.  However, Saint Joseph School does require completion of an Educational Scholarship application as well as a letter of recommendation from a teacher, pastor, priest, or another endorser that is not a family member.

Contact the School Office

Mrs. Aleksandra Gronek
Mrs. Aleksandra GronekAdministrative Assistant and Enrollment Manager