St. Joseph School would like to congratulate its newly elected 2019-2020 Student Council Officers: President – Adrian Sobczak, Vice President – Robert Broden, Treasurer – Dale Boudreau, and Secretary – Samantha Keller. In addition, the following students were elected Class Representatives: Grade 4 – Molly Hachigian, Grade 5 – Leah Boudreau, Grade 6 – Adam Podgorny, Grade 7 – Maya Podskarbi, Grade 8 – Daniel Gronek.
The Student Council at St. Joseph School is a group of students who are elected each year by the student body as an advocacy group for planning events and initiating new ideas. Activities include outreach projects, school dances, alumni connection, buddy projects, fun activities and student initiatives. The Council officers are guided by the principal, Mr. Michael Hackenson, teacher moderator, Mrs. Mary Ann Weaver, and parish pastor, Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski. The Student Council serves to engage students in learning about democracy and leadership.
Congratulations, students!