On Friday, October 1st several St. Joseph School students, parents, faculty, and administrators participated in the Mass for Creation at St. John’s Church in Worcester. The Mass was organized by the Diocesan Environment Stewardship Team and Bishop Robert McManus. The Mass was the result of Pope Francis calling on Catholics to act for their “common home.” For September, he also encouraged everyone to question how they live and turn “towards lifestyles that are simpler and more respectful of the environment.” The Mass for Creation was a multi-language event. Readings were in Spanish and English, and the Prayers of the Faithful were recited in Swahili, Vietnamese, Tagalog, French, Twi, English, and Polish. The Polish Prayer of the Faithful was read by St. Joseph School Fourth Grade student Ivonka Warnajtys. In addition, St. Joseph School Fourth Grade students Brooklyn McCarthy, Lukas Barbosa, Jacob Marcuccio, and Fifth Grade student Braylyn McCarthy participated in the offertory. Gifts included evergreen saplings and prayer cards created by students from throughout the diocese. The prayer cards had drawings and/or words inspired by the prayer, “We ask God to protect the Earth, our common home.” The Main Celebrant was Bishop Robert McManus. At the end of the Mass, attendees pledged to protect and heal God’s creation by promising to renew their covenant with God, stand together against all threats to life, and be mindful of the beauty of nature.