On Wednesday, April 12th St. Joseph School held their 2017 Science Fair. The following students were awarded for their outstanding projects.
Grade 5: First Place – Katrina Piekielniak: Bacteria Backup; Second Place – Jillian Treveloni: Stain, stain, go away; Third Place – Sophia Buffone: The clean solution for your face; Honorable Mention: Dominic Pigeon, Do video games increase hand eye coordination?
Grade 6: First Place – Joshua Mobley, Bioplastics; Second Place – Remonda Mankarios: Does the mouthwash from the Dollar Tree kill more bacteria than Listerine?; Third Place – Kaleigh Strong: What liquid keeps cut flowers freshest the longest?; Honorable Mention – Logan Edwards: Which brand of paper towel is most absorbent?; Honorable Mention – Caroline Doering: How well will plants grow under different lighting?; Honorable Mention – Ben Duquette: How does light affect colors?
Grade 7: First Place – Riley Peters: Germinate or terminate; Second Place – Antonia Peters: What lotion is the magic potion?; Third Place – Jacob Mobley: Biofuels; Honorable Mention – Hayden Dery: What is best thermal mass material to keep heat in?; Honorable Mention – Szymon Mamro: Do plants grow better, if during the nights, artificial light is provided?
Grade 8: First Place – David Mankarios: Which preserving process allows raw cow’s milk to last longer while remaining nutritional?; Second Place – Jonas Porier: What boat shape can hold the most weight?; Third Place – Christopher Mahlert: Does table sugar affect plant growth of marigolds?; Honorable Mention – Edward Doering: In what condition will bread mold grow the slowest?; Honorable Mention – Adriana Duby: Under what color light do plants grow best? Congratulations and good luck at the Diocesan Science Fair.