Following extensive planning, training, and parent orientations, St. Joseph School opened for in-person learning on September 8th. It was the first time in nearly six months that children and teachers were in their classrooms.
The school originally planned to re-open in late August. However, shortages of personal protective equipment prompted the school to postpone their start date. Principal Michael Hackenson communicated this change to parents and stressed the need for safety. Meanwhile, the delay provided additional time for thorough training of staff and parents, including a mandatory virtual orientation with the school nurse, Kareen Powaza BSN, RN where she discussed COVID-19 and its causes, preventive measures, screening for symptoms, how to wear a mask, handwashing and cleaning techniques. Following the orientation and before children returned to school, all St. Joseph School families were required to complete a brief questionnaire confirming their knowledge and understanding of the COVID-19 training and new school procedures.
The re-opening, which was staggered across several days, allowed the St. Joseph School community to adjust to returning to school and their new routines. There are many ways in which things look different from years past: desks are spaced apart, teachers need to maintain physical distancing, students are asked to socialize from a distance, and masks must be worn. Despite these changes, teachers arrived full of optimism and children entered the school excited to see their friends and resume their classwork. In addition, parents and guardians played a major role in setting the tone for the upcoming year. Their positive attitudes contributed to a successful start.
On Friday, September 11th, the entire school came together in prayer to celebrate their return, as well as honor the memory of those who were lost during the 2001 terrorist attacks. Typically, the school would gather in the Basilica. However, due to social distancing requirements, students came together in the schoolyard. Headmaster, Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski and Mrs. Karen Lefebvre’s Seventh Grade Class led the school in prayer, while Fifth Grade Instructor, Ms. Kelly Bailey sang beautiful renditions of “I’m Proud to be an American” and “America the Beautiful.” The morning culminated with a school-wide cookout. Best wishes to the St. Joseph School community as well as students throughout the area as they begin their 2020-2021 academic year!