Sister Gaudia Skass and Sister Donata Farbeniec from The Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy recently visited with the children of St. Joseph School in Webster in conjunction with a retreat organized by Monsignor Anthony Czarnecki.    The Sisters spent two days with the students sharing the message of Divine Mercy as provided by Saint Faustina Kowalska. During the 1930’s, Sister Faustina, who was a member of The Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Kracow, Poland, received and documented messages from God.  On February 22, 1931, He also appeared to Saint Faustina and commanded her to paint His picture per her vision – known today as The Image of The Divine Mercy.   Saint John Paul II canonized Faustina in 2000 and called her “the great apostle of Divine Mercy in our time.”

Saint Faustina’s message to trust in Jesus’ endless mercy and to live life mercifully toward others echoed through the halls of St. Joseph School as Sister Gaudia and Sister Donata lovingly spoke with the children.  During her visits with the younger students, Sister Donata shared a video illustrating the humble life of Saint Faustina.  She also spoke to the Second-Grade students about their upcoming First Communion and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  Sister Gaudia, who visited with the fifth through eighth grade students, challenged them to be creative and bring an item to school that they could connect to Divine Mercy.  Many students accepted the challenge.  Some came to school with rosaries and religious statues, while others brought their own pictures of The Image of Divine Mercy.  One student returned with a flash light stating, “The light resembles the pale beam emanating from Jesus’ heart in the picture.  It also reminds me of the light I see coming from within you, Sister Gaudia.”  Other memorable moments included Sister Jeanne Akalski’s Fourth Grade students singing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Sto Lat to Sister Donata; Sister Gaudia sitting on the floor next to a picture of Saint Faustina showing the pre-k students that she has the same veil; and, Sister Mary Ann Papiez’s Sixth Grade students asking Sister Gaudia to autograph their prayer cards.

The children and faculty were truly inspired and blessed by their special guests.  The Sixth and Seventh Grade students, who are currently working to raise funds for a trip to Washington D.C. in April 2018, are already making plans to visit Sister Gaudia and Sister Donata at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine, where they minister.  “We really hope to see them again,” one student said, “they have a special place in our hearts.”