St. Joseph School is proud to announce that the following students have been inducted into the Eagles Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS): Grade 7 – Tessa McCabe and Wiktoria Potem; Grade 8 – Nicholas Fennelly and Caroline Villa. The NJHS at St. Joseph School is an organization that promotes recognition for its students who reflect outstanding accomplishments in the areas of scholarship, leadership, character, service, and citizenship. Membership is a distinction that holds significance throughout a student’s academic life. Honor Society students become ambassadors for St. Joseph School and work to undertake meaningful service projects in the school and local community. Last spring, through their Lenten Service project, the Eagles Chapter presented Dave Obuchowski, Volunteer Coordinator at the Community Cat Connection with cat litter, dry and wet cat food, treats, laundry detergent, and paper towels, as well as a check for $125. According to the website, and based on reporting by affiliated schools, in recent years Honor Society chapters individually have contributed on average 1,161 hours to school and community service; $26,000 in charitable donations; and 1,100 pounds of food to local, state, and national causes. Service projects often become life-changing experiences for members who discover new passions and callings. Congratulations, students!