On Wednesday, June 12th, Saint. Joseph School Kindergarten students and their families gathered in the Richard A. Nowak Gymnasium for their graduation ceremony. The kindergarten students, displaying remarkable courage, proceeded into the gymnasium wearing traditional Saint Joseph School red and white caps and gowns. Once on stage, they began their program by reciting the “Our Father” and “Hail Mary,” followed by the “Pledge of Allegiance.” Then, each student bravely took a turn, coming forward to the microphone and sharing their heartfelt career aspirations. Career choices include being a teacher, reptile keeper, police officer, veterinarian, cowgirl, football coach, singer, football player, game warden, farmer, construction worker, ballet teacher, baseball player, and basketball player.

The morning culminated with the students singing and dancing to “I Love Spring,” “When I Look Up,” and “I’m on My Way.” Saint Joseph School Principal Beth Boudreau also distributed diplomas to the students.

Twenty-one students advanced to First Grade: Hannah Benes, Anton Buschle, Liam Buschle, Camila Coan, Maya Denert, Gianna Dowd, Riley Durr, Ivan Garcia, Timmery Gibbons, Ryder Johnson, Jacob Kolesnik, Jasiu Khozami, Zackary Kubiak, Charlotte Marchand, Kennedy Nowicki, Rayna Parslow, Yuliana Rossi, Nina Rudnicki, Theodore Smith, Thomas Thrun, and Charlotte Wasgatt. Mrs. Justine Anthony and Sandra Gibson instruct Saint Joseph School Kindergarten students. As you embark on this new chapter, remember that the entire Saint Joseph School community is behind you. Best wishes, students!