The 20th Annual St. Joseph School Golf Tournament was held on Saturday, September 28th at Dudley Hill Golf Club.  It was a beautiful day for golf and a great day for the St. Joseph School Athletic Program!  Thank you to our generous sponsors, golfers, and volunteers.

Sponsors:  $1,000 Eagle Sponsor:  Dollar & Baron Families; $250 Hole Sponsors:  Marlene A. Proulx in Memory of “Coach Reggie,” Dr. John Kalinowski, The Knights of Columbus Council #12980; $100 Program Sponsors:   The Dery Family, C. Richard Piasecki, CPA, and the St. Joseph Women’s Club.

Winners:  1st Place – Steve Keller Team – $260 and a dozen SJS Golf Longest Drive: Steve Keller; Closest to the Pin:  Coach, Jeff Grupposo; and, Closest to the Line:  Maria Reed.

The event concluded with drinks, college football, and a delicious steak dinner at the Daniel and Catherine Parish Center at St. Joseph School.  Thank you to Keith Lukasek for preparing the meal and Cynthia Bourbeau for assisting with the food service and drinks.  We’d also like to thank everyone who donated raffle items:   The Kohut Family, The Boudreau Family, Dudley Hill Golf Club, The Weaver Family, The Lefebvre Family, The Obrycki Family, Bistro Eighty Ates, The Duquette Family, and Coach Angela Siegmund.

The 20th Annual St. Joseph School Golf Tournament Committee included Beth Boudreau, Michael Hackenson, Coach Al Cieszynski, and Athletic Director, Joey Boudreau.  In addition, we’d like to thank parent volunteer Diane Obrycki, who assisted with registration, as well as Sr. Jeanne Marie Akalski, and Sr. Mary Ann Papiez, who assisted with raffle sales.

If was a great effort by all!  Thank you for supporting the St. Joseph School Athletics Program.