Our clubs and activities bring many opportunities for leadership.  While participating in these groups, as well as in their classrooms, students are expected to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct.

All students are challenged to be creative thinkers and problem-solvers. Students who exhibit natural leadership qualities take part in leadership workshops and conferences – to encourage the use of their talents for their own good, the good of the school and for the good of society in the future.

The Student Council is a group of students, chosen each year by the student body, as an advocacy group for planning events and initiating new ideas. Students in grades 7 and 8 may become officers. Class representatives are chosen from Grades 4 – 8. Activities include outreach projects, school dances, alumni connection, buddy projects, fun activities and student initiatives. The Council officers are guided by the principal, teacher moderator and parish pastor.  Student Council serves to engage students in learning about democracy and leadership.

It is a great joy and honor to serve the priest in the celebration of the Mass and other liturgical services.  This privilege is given to the 26 children who are members of the altar server ministry at St. Joseph Basilica with Rev. Gregory Chodkowski as coordinator.

If your child would like to be an altar server, training is provided for all who register for this ministry. The lessons provided by Father Gregory begin in October and will be completed by November when the children will be installed as altar servers on the Solemnity of Christ the King.

The preparation will include instruction on the Mass and its parts and their meaning, the various objects used in the liturgy (their names and use), and the various functions of the server during the Mass and other liturgical celebrations

The altar servers are invited to attend three outings during the year to acknowledge their service to the church.

The Children of Mary Sodality dates back to the earliest foundational years of our parish.  As an organization of young girls, it was and still is an integral part of St. Joseph School.  The Children of Mary Sodality members strive to honor Mary, the Mother of God, in their daily life by imitating her many virtues.

Membership is open to girls in grades 3-8 who attend St. Joseph School or St. Joseph Religious Education classes.  New members are accepted into the Soldality on the first Sunday of Advent during a parish family Mass.

As members of the Sodality, the girls actively participate in various parish activities such as processions for important feast days and the Fatima processions on the 13th of the month from  May to October.  During the processions, they have the privilege of carrying the statue of Our Lady.  The girls also participate after school in First Friday adoration where they say the rosary in front of the Blessed Sacrament.  At Christmas, during Midnight Mass, the president has the privilege of carrying the statue of the Infant Jesus and placing Him in the manger.  In May, during the Coronation of Mary Ceremony, she also has the honor of crowning the statue of the Blessed Mother.

The members of the Soladality are involved in a variety of service activities that include organizing and preparing the parish Advent Angel Tree as well as sorting the donated gifts that are then distributed to those in need.  Keeping with meaningful traditions from years past, the girls prepare envelopes with chalk and incense for the Feast of the Epiphany and they mark the the school doors with (20 K + M + B 12) in honor of the Three Wise Men.  At Easter time, the members make palms crosses for Palm Sunday and these become part of their annual flower sale.  Socially, the girls have the opportunity to visit the National Shrine of Our Lady of LaSalette in Attleboro, MA during the Festival of Lights before Christmas.

Students in Grades 3-8 may take advantage of Instrumental Music and Band lessons offered during the school day, for an additional fee. Instruments available include flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, and drums.

Students have the opportunity to learn violin beginning in Grade 1.

A Band Concert is performed locally and regionally with other school bands several times a year.

The Student Choir meets once a week for practice with the parish Choirmaster. Students sing at Family Masses, First Friday and Holy Day Masses, and perform on special occasions. They also visit nursing homes and assisted-living facilities to bring cheer to residents with their song.

The Drama Club provides an opportunity for students in Grades 5 – 8 to explore the arts in the form of music and dance.  Participation includes the Winter Christmas Pageant and a spring musical.
Each month a group of students from Grades 7 & 8, along with Grade 8 teacher Mrs. Weaver and Grade 7 teacher Mrs. Lefebvre, demonstrate the call to service by volunteering at the Bread of Life supper located at the United Church of Christ on Main Street. Once there, the students greet and serve the patrons and help clean up after the meal. The students also spend time talking with those who took part in the meal. It is wonderful to see these students giving of themselves in such a charitable way – serving as Jesus did to those around him

Students joining Math Club will meet with Sr. Mary Ann to practice math problems for the Math Olympiad monthly tests from November through March.  Students learn various skills to solve challenging problems and realize that there is more than one way to solve the same problem.  Math Club practice also improves skills for Terra Nova standardized testing.

Math Club sessions are offered after school on Wednesdays.  There is an elementary division for students in Grades Three, Four, & Five, and a middle school division for students in Grades Six, Seven, & Eight.  The sessions last for one hour, ending at 3:30.  Sessions for each level meet on alternating Wednesdays.  Students are provided with a schedule.

Tomorrow’s innovators practice imaginative thinking and teamwork. Guided by their Coaches, the St. Joseph School FIRST LEGO League teams research real-world problems and are challenged to develop a solution. They also must design, build, program a robot using LEGO MINDSTORMS® technology, then compete on a table-top playing field.

It all adds up to tons of fun while they learn to apply science, technology, engineering, and math concepts (STEM), plus a big dose of imagination, to solve a problem. Along their discovery journey, they develop critical thinking and team-building skills, basic STEM applications, and even presentation skills, as they must present their solutions with a dash of creativity to judges. They also practice the Program’s signature Core Values.

The Dance Club is open to PreK through Grade 3 students.