On Sunday, December 11th, the Children of Mary Sodality at Saint Joseph School held its annual installations for new members. Membership is open to girls in grades three through eight who attend Saint Joseph School.  New members are Third-Grade students Mileydi Loja and Marina Szydlik and Fourth Grade student Ariana Benson. As members of the Children of Mary Sodality, the girls actively participate in parish activities such as processions on important feast days and the Fatima processions on the 13th of the month from May through October. The girls also participate in First Friday adoration, where they pray the rosary in front of the Blessed Sacrament and join parishioners in singing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. In addition, they participate in various service activities, including organizing and preparing the parish Advent Angel Tree. The Children of Mary Sodality is advised by Saint Joseph School Religion Instructor Sr. Mary Ann Papiez and supported by the Holy Rosary Sodality of Saint Joseph Basilica.