UPDATED September 2018


All information provided in this document plus current practice schedule, concession schedule, current game/event schedule and much more can be reviewed and downloaded from the school’s website:


The Sports Program at St. Joseph School allows students to actively engage in soccer, basketball and cheerleading. We offer varsity boys basketball, girls varsity basketball, junior varsity boys basketball, junior varsity girls basketball, Eaglets Cheering (Kindergarten thru 3rd  Grade), varsity cheerleading, intramural basketball, varsity co-ed soccer, junior varsity co-ed soccer Co-Ed volleyball.

The Athletic Program is self-supported. Primary funding of operating expenses is provided by an annual golf tournament hosted at the end of September and supplemented by the profits made at the SJS  concession stand which is run at home basketball games. Occasionally, fundraising may be needed. . The program incurs fees for every game day use of the gym, gym rental fees, officiating fees, fuel charges, uniform replacements, equipment purchases and hourly overtime custodial fees.

  • St. Joseph School is a member of the Route 395 League. The League includes Catholic Schools including  All Saints Academy (Webster), Trinity (Southbridge), St. James (Danielson, CT), St. Joseph (N. Grosvenordale, CT) and St Patrick’s (Norwich, CT).  Varsity and Junior Varsity teams (boys and girls) have games scheduled from November through February. The culmination of the season is at the annual basketball tournament. The host team of the tournament is scheduled on a rotating basis allowing each school an opportunity to host. Additional games may be scheduled for the Varsity or JV teams against local teams if time allows. Including entering other leagues at the discretion of the sports program administration.
  • St. Joseph basketball teams have opportunities to participate in various tournaments in the area throughout the season.  As time allows, the teams will generally attempt to be involved in these events. These allow the children to experience levels of play that are not part of the regular schedule.  All program participants are encouraged to support these teams
  • All coaches are providing their time (practices, games and meetings) on a VOLUNTEER basis. Although there may be a small gift given at the sports banquet, there are no cash or other incentives provided to any of the coaches or the assistant athletic director or athletic director, for their numerous hours dedicated to this program.
  • A banquet is held after the season for all team participants and their families.  Coaches, players and cheerleaders receive a complimentary invitation to the event; all other attendees are charged a nominal fee for the event.


  • All parents/guardians of students participating in the athletic program will be assigned to two specific dates and times to work at the concession stand. The dates for each family will be issued as soon as the Route 395 League schedule is finalized. It is the responsibility of the assigned parent/guardian to find a replacement for their slot if they are not available to work at their designated time.


  • All parents/guardians are requested to be prompt in the drop-off and pick-up of their children.  Students should arrive at the gym NO EARLIER than 10 minutes before their scheduled practice time.  Students should have a parent/guardian at the gym for pick-up of their children NO LATER than the scheduled end of practice.  A parent/guardian of a participant must advise the coach if the student will not be able to make a game or practice. NOTE: If a student is NOT in school on the day of an event (practice/game/tournament) he/she will NOT be allowed to participate in the event.
  • It is highly recommended that a mouth guard be used during all practices.
  • Practices are closed to parents/guardians. Coaches, students and athletic staff are allowed inside the practice space. Parents/guardians should verify that there is a coach at the gym prior to departing.


  • Each student must have at least one responsible adult in attendance.  It is not the responsibility of the coaches to tend to students once the event is complete.
  • It is highly recommended that a mouth guard be used during all games.
  • If a participant is planning to stay for games (once their game is complete), they are to change into their school uniform or wear their Sports warm-up.  
  • Sports uniforms are NOT to be worn except for during games/warm-ups.
  • Directions to the away game sites can be found be found on the school website’s athletic page.
  • Schedules are finalized by the League by the end of October. Once the League releases the schedule it will be provided.


** A uniform collection date will be posted at the end of the season and an EMAIL and/or handout notice sent to all participants. The uniform must be returned on that date. The uniform cannot be given to a teacher, coach or office personnel. ** FAILURE TO RETURN UNIFORMS ON THE DATE REQUESTED FORFEITS THE DEPOSIT.


  • Basketball players: The school uniform or official SJS warmup (if purchased) will be worn to and from all athletic events. NO baseball caps are to be worn while at the school where the event is taking place.  Uniforms are NOT to be worn for casual purposes before or after an event. Failure to adhere to these rules may result in a player being sidelined for the event of that day or for the next scheduled event.
  • Coaches:  No jeans or hats are allowed while coaching.Business casual is the standard for dress. This includes dress or casual pants, capri pants, skirts or a dress with either the provided polo shirt or other appropriate dress or casual shirt/sweater..



  • Be a positive role model for my players, leading by example by demonstrating sportsmanship, emphasizing fair play and showing respect for others
  • Place the well-being of every player ahead of my personal desire to win
  • Will strive to be consistent, honest and fair in treatment of my players
  • Be both a good communicator and listener
  • Be generous in praise and never criticize publicly
  • Be conscientious of the fact that I represent St. Joseph School and am a role model for fellow coaches, team participants, and spectators
  • Present myself in a respectable manner, including appearance and behavior
  • Follow the rules of the game always
  • Respect the decisions of the game officials and avoid public criticism of them
  • Avoid offensive gestures or language
  • Display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat


  • Understand that respecting others is the most important part of being an athlete
  • Maintain my grades as required
  • Be conscientious of the fact that I represent St. Joseph School and am a role model for fellow teammates, coaches, and spectators
  • Present myself in a respectable manner, including appearance and behavior
  • Follow the rules of the game always
  • Respect the decisions of the game officials and avoid public criticism of them
  • Avoid offensive gestures or language
  • Display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat


  • Be a positive role model for my child, leading by example by demonstrating sportsmanship, emphasizing fair play and showing respect for others
  • Praise my child for competing fairly and trying hard, and make my child feel like a winner at all times
  • Never ridicule or yell at my child or other participant for making mistakes or losing a competition
  • Be conscientious of the fact that I represent St. Joseph School and am a role model for other adults and children who are spectators or participants
  • Present myself in a respectable manner, including appearance and behavior
  • Follow the rules of the game at all times
  • Respect the decisions of the game officials and avoid public criticism of them
  • Avoid offensive gestures or language
  • Display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat


  • In order to participate in the Sports Program, every student must meet the following academic requirements:
  • A minimum grade average of C- for the Fourth Quarter of the previous year end is required.
  • No grade of F for either the Fourth Quarter of the previous year or as the final average of the previous year is allowed.
  • If a participant falls below the grade standards noted in the first (November) or second (January) marking period of the current school year , they will be suspended from participating.
  • During the first or second marking period the principal may recommend that a participant be suspended from the program if he/she cannot manage the balance between academic responsibilities and the Sports Program.
  • Additionally, if a participant receives a mark of U for Conduct in the first (November, ) or second (January) marking period of the current school year , they will be suspended from participating.
  • If a participant recovers from having fallen below the grade standards noted in the first (November) or second (January) marking period of the current school year , they may be allowed to rejoin the program.
  • All issues regarding academic standards are subject to the decision of the school principal.  Final determination on suspensions and reinstatements, with respect to the Route 395 League Rules, is at the discretion of the school principal.