A commitment to offer an education to all qualified students, regardless of their financial standing, is a traditional and widely acknowledged strength of St. Joseph School. We simply do not want capable students excluded for financial reasons.
The education our students receive at St. Joseph School is not meant to be the same as any other school. We are unique. It is not enough to know all the facts. Â Values matter. Â Faith matters. Â Service matters.
The mission of the Advancement Program is to keep St. Joseph School accessible to qualified students and secure financial resources for its current and future financial needs. However, we cannot do this without your help. Your help is critical to the aspirations of our students and the financial stability of St. Joseph School.
We have been blessed with the generosity of our alumni, parents, parents of alumni, grandparents, parishioners, and friends. We do not take these blessings for granted. Please explore our site to find out how you can help us now to secure our future.