
Eagles Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society

The NJHS at Saint Joseph School is an organization that promotes recognition for its students who reflect outstanding accomplishments in the areas of scholarship, leadership, character, service, and citizenship.

Students are eligible for an invitation to the National Junior Honor Society at the end of their 6th or 7th grade academic year. Cumulative Grade Point Averages (GPA) are calculated based on every completed quarter of middle school, starting with the First Quarter of 6th Grade, and invitations to complete a Student Information Packet will be sent to those who have a 3.50 or higher cumulative GPA in the core subjects: Religion, Math, Literature, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Spelling.  Forms must include a parent/guardian signature and documented community service hours to be considered for membership into NJHS. Any incomplete applications or applications received after submission deadline will automatically be disqualified from consideration for membership.

In addition to academic excellence, selection for membership is based on exhibited leadership, honorable and admirable character, and service to the school and community.  Students are expected to demonstrate good citizenship and be of excellent character, which deals with responsibility, compassion, honesty, self-discipline, fairness, trustworthiness, integrity, perseverance, respect, cooperation, courtesy, work ethic, modesty, and tolerance.  Any N or U on a report card reflects poorly upon a student’s scholarship, character, citizenship, and leadership. There can be no detentions, suspensions, or instances of bullying.

Selection for membership is decided by a five member Faculty Council appointed by the principal.  The Faculty Council assesses the degree to which each candidate meets the high standards of scholarship, service, leadership, citizenship, and character as established by the national organization. New members will be inducted during an annual ceremony that will take place at the beginning of each academic year.

Honor Roll
Students in Grades 4 – 8 may qualify for the Honor Roll.  They receive honor roll certificates as well as have their names published in the local press.  In addition, they are recognized on our social media outlets.

Student of the Month
Each month, one student from each class is selected by their teacher to be recognized for…

Academic Challenges and Contests
There are numerous opportunities throughout the year for students to participant in academic challenges and contests.  These include:

  • Saint Joseph School Geography Bee
  • Saint Joseph School Spelling Bee
  • Diocesan Declamation Contest
  • Webster Lions Club Peace Poster Contest
  • Saint Joseph School Science Fair (Held every other year)
  • Poetry Contests