The Saint Joseph School soccer team, under the guidance of Athletic Director Joey Boudreau and Assistant Coach John Hachigian, has kicked off its season. Boudreau’s focus on honing various skills during practices ensures the players grow individually and as a team. Despite a tough start to the season, with losses to All Saints Academy and Saint Peter Central Catholic, the team remains resilient and determined. A bright spot is the team’s new soccer jerseys, a testament to the school’s support and investment in the team, funded by the annual golf tournament. Team members include Grade 5 students Severyn Kuznecki, Johnny Marcuccio, Rion Jones, Allen Oliver Jean-Paul, Andrew Hachigian, and Liam Dvoryaninov, and Kirollos Ibrahim; Grade 6 students Noah Ryan, James Miranda, and Dollar Grayson; Grade 7 students Neli Kuznecki, Lukas Barbosa, Jacob Marcuccio, Mychael Jones, Milah Gomes, Tenleigh Dowd, Hayley Benes, Avery Archambault, and Alexis Archambault; and, Grade 8 students Ethan Ryan, and Gianna Pigeon.
The Saint Joseph School Athletic Program is also running its fall fundraiser, Football Frenzy. To support the athletic program, we encourage you to purchase tickets at WWW.FOOTBALLSWEEPS.COM using code FB24JOSEPH. For every two tickets you buy, you get one free. All proceeds will be used to support the winter athletic season. We are deeply grateful for your continued support, which plays a crucial role in our school’s sports programs. Thank you!