It has been a tradition since 2003 that during the celebration of Catholic Schools Week, St. Joseph School awards the Partner in Education Award to a person or persons who’ve made a significant impact on the school community. This year, St. Joseph School is pleased to present this award to Miss Elizabeth Sabaj. Miss Sabaj was born and raised in Webster, daughter of Henry and Dorothy Sabaj, and has three sisters, Paula, Susan, and Christine. She attended St. Joseph School from Kindergarten to Eighth Grade, graduating in 1968. She graduated from Bartlett High School in 1972 and Anna Maria College in 1976 with a BA Degree in Education and Special Education. She later received a Master of Arts Degree in Special Education from the University of Connecticut in 1983. Miss Sabaj began teaching in the Webster Public Schools in 1976. She was a Special Education teacher for 35 years, mostly at Park Ave Elementary. She retired in 2011.

She has been a member of St. Joseph Parish all her life. As a parishioner and supporter of St. Joseph School, she worked at the Annual Festivals from their early days until the present time. She enjoyed working in many booths, including the ticket booth, horse racing game, taco booth, and chicken BBQ. In addition, she has assisted the treasurer and coordinated the Special Gifts Booth since 2000.

Miss Sabaj is a very active parishioner at St. Joseph Parish. She has been a Eucharistic Minister since December 1996 and taught religious education since September 2000. She also belongs to the Holy Rosary Sodality, St. Anne Society, and Sacred Heart Society. She has been the President of the Holy Rosary Sodality for 12 years.

In addition to her involvement in parish organizations, Miss Sabaj has been a member of the Friends of St. Joseph, Consultative Educational Board, Parish Council, and secretary for the Finance Board.

Miss Sabaj has been working part-time in the parish office since May 2012 and Co-chairperson of Partners in Charity for 10+ years.
In her free time, Miss Sabaj enjoys reading, gardening, traveling, and doing puzzles.

Congratulations, Miss Sabaj! The students, faculty, and staff of St. Joseph School appreciate your support and dedication.