Congratulations to St. Joseph School’s published poets! Students in Mrs. Karen Lefebvre’s Grade 6, 7, and 8 Language Arts classes entered their original poems in Creative Communication’s spring poetry contest. Poems are selected for publication based on their literary merit, creativity, or social significance. St. Joseph School will be recognized in the anthology for receiving a “Writing Achievement Award.” This honor is given to the top 10% of the schools that entered the contest and whose students’ entries are of exceptionally high merit. 26 students will have their poetry published in the Spring 2020 edition of A Celebration of Poets. Grade 6: Philo Basha, Connor Czechowski, Treyton Dery, Alexandra Kurowski, Bradley McCarthy, Matthew Obrycki, Adam Podgorny, Rocco Rudnicki, and Maeve Sullivan; Grade 7: Dale Boudreau, William Colebourn, Justin Dooner, Dominik Duby, Zane Ferri, Lauren Gingo, Samantha Keller, Krystian Kowalczyk, Dominic Lilley, Elizabeth Mahlert, and Maya Podskarbi; Grade 8: Toriana Baldasari, Daniel Gronek, Sara Grupposo, Shamer Martinez, Tessa McCabe, Katrina Piekielniak, Wiktoria Potem, Gracie Scott, Jacob Sirard, Adrian Sobczak and Jillian Treveloni.
St. Joseph School began participating in the Creative Communication poetry contest in 2002. Their notification to St. Joseph School praised the efforts of the students noting, “The fact that you have numerous students accepted makes a strong statement about your school. Less than 50% of the poems submitted are published. The list of your students that have been accepted to be published represents a lot of talent, hard work, and dedication from your teachers and students. In judging thousands of poems, our judges have found that the single most important factor in creating a quality poem is the quality of the instruction. We have found that schools with excellent Language Arts programs have a much higher percentage of their students’ writing being accepted. With excellent teachers come excellent writers, and sometimes over 50% of a class is accepted. St. Joseph School is proud to have all 11 of the Grade 7 entries selected for publication.