On Sunday, January 26th the St. Joseph School community gathered to kick-off Catholic Schools Week.  The day began with a Mass celebrating National Migration Week, a tradition that the students look forward to each year.  The children and families of St. Joseph School represent various cultures and they enjoy sharing and recognizing each other’s heritage.  Fifteen countries were represented in the entrance procession:  The United States, Brazil, Canada, Dominican Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Haiti, India, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Lebanon, Poland, and Puerto Rico.  The students carried flags and wore costumes reflecting their heritage.  Bishop Robert J. McManus joined the festivities and spoke about the importance of Migration Mass and Catholics Schools Week, as well as how they are related.  He asked the congregation to reflect on three questions, “Where did I come from?  Where am I going?  And, how do I get there?”

During the Mass, St. Joseph School presented its “Partners in Education” Award.  It’s been a tradition since 2003 that during the celebration of Catholic Schools Week, the award is given to a person or persons who’ve made a significant impact on the school community.  This year St. Joseph School was pleased to present this award to Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki.

Msgr. Czarnecki was appointed Pastor of St. Joseph Parish on September 27, 1993 and remained at the parish and school until retiring this past July.  He was named a Monsignor by Pope John Paul II in 1994.  Through his efforts, the Pope elevated St. Joseph, the oldest Polish Catholic Church in New England, to the dignity of Basilica on October 11, 1998.  During his time as Headmaster of St. Joseph School, Msgr. Czarnecki made significant contributions including equipping the school with 21st century technology and initiating and completing the construction of the Richard A. Nowak Gymnasium and Daniel & Catherine Ivascyn Parish & Performing Arts Center.  While presenting the award, Sr. Jeanne Marie Akalski noted, “Through the years, Monsignor has always shown concern for the entire community of St. Joseph School.  He was totally available to the community.  How often we saw him in the building, visiting classrooms, sharing his faith.  But more important is the sacramental and liturgical life he has shared with this parish – the many masses and funerals over which he presided, the countless Baptisms and First Communions for which he was present, the Marian and Eucharistic Devotions which he led.  Truly his crown in heaven will be crowded with holy jewels. “

Following Mass, Bishop McManus, Pastor Grzegorz Chodkowski, parishioners, students, faculty, and staff from St. Joseph School gathered in the vestibule of the Richard A. Nowak Gymnasium for the unveiling of a plaque highlighting Msgr. Czarnecki’s numerous accomplishments.  Eighth Grade student and Student Council President, Adrian Sobczak, noted that the plaque would stand as a reminder of Msgr. Czarnecki’s perseverance for generations to come.

Other events that took place as the school kicked-off its celebration of Catholics Schools Week included an Open House for current and prospective families that highlighted the work of all students in grades Pre-K through eight, a demonstration by the school’s award-winning LEGO Robotics Team, a buffet of ethnic foods representing the heritage of St. Joseph School families, and a silent auction of classroom art projects.  The day culminated with a performance by Rob Surette and his “Be Somebody” Speed Painting Show.  Rob is one of the greatest artists in the world, but his message to the students was just as awe-inspiring as his paintings.  The show began with Rob painting a portrait of Abraham Lincoln on a 6-foot canvas in under 6 minutes and that was just the beginning.  Other portraits created before the crowd’s eyes were of Mother Teresa, Albert Einstein, William Shakespeare, and Martin Luther King, Jr.  Rob also incorporated additional pieces into his inspirational message.  Portraits included Christa McAuliffe, John Lennon, and Pope John Paul II – which caused the crowd to roar with excitement. Rob’s goal at each of his performances is to fill kids with a sense of empowerment and inspire them to boldly chase their deepest dreams in life, and he did not disappoint.  The show was made possible for the St. Joseph and local community by the generous support of Quail Services.

The celebration of Catholic Schools Week at St. Joseph School certainly got off to a great start!  Catholic Schools Week is celebrated each year during the last week of January, but the public is welcome to visit St. Joseph School throughout the year by calling 508-943-0378 to schedule a tour and/or shadow day.

Click HERE to view Migration Mass Photos

Click HERE to view photos of Msgr. Czarnecki’s Plaque unveiling

Click HERE to view photos from the Rob Surette Speed Painting Show