Inspired by the YouTube star, Kid President, Miss Phelps’ Fourth Grade students decided to take action to help the homeless and less fortunate. They collected toiletries, socks, hats, and mittens for the local Webster-Dudley Food Share throughout the month of October. Each student was responsible for making a flier and giving a short speech to their peers explaining the “Socktober” drive. By the end of October, the students collected over 300 pairs of socks and 5 boxes of toiletries, which they proudly presented to Food Share representative, Donna Farrow. Miss Phelps’ students are Gloria Bromberg, Amelia Duquette, Rylie Edwards, Aiden Grigware, Chloe Haseotes, Sebastian Ketnouvong-Ung, Steve Mathu, Isabella Mello, Jayden Njoroge, Jayce Plante, Samantha Reseigh, Maeve Sullivan and Matthew Zdrok. Thank you to all who donated or helped in any way!