The Math Olympiad Program is a math problem solving contest for teams of students in grades 4 through 8.  Each month from November through March, participants from around the globe take a test and then receive immediate feedback on their work.  The tests at St. Joseph School are administered by Sr. Mary Ann Papiez during her afternoon Math Club sessions.  The purpose of the program is to stimulate enthusiasm and a love for Mathematics, develop Mathematical flexibility in solving problems, and foster Mathematical creativity and ingenuity.  St. Joseph School is proud to announce that Fifth Grade students Noalani Perez and Adrian Sobczak placed in the top 50% of elementary school students worldwide who took the tests.  Seventh Grade student Szymon Mamro and Eighth Grade student David Mankarios also placed in the top 50% of middle school students worldwide.  These students received Math Olympiad Certificates and Embroidered Patches.  In addition, Szymon and Noalani received trophies at our end-of-year award ceremony for scoring the highest among St. Joseph School elementary and middle school students.  Congratulations!