Upon hearing the announcement from Gov. Baker that due to COVID-19 schools in the Commonwealth would be closed until April 7th, St. Joseph School responded swiftly to maintain the continuity of education for its students. On Tuesday, March 17th, families retrieved textbooks, learning packets containing student assignments and reference material, as well as electronic devices such as iPads for 5th Grade students and Chromebooks for all 6th – 8th Grade students. Although there was a slight learning curve associated with the sudden transition to on-line learning, PreK through 8th Grade classes are now up and running virtually. Teachers continue to utilize the Google Classroom Platform, already implemented at the school, and incorporate other functions such as Google Hangouts Meet for easy to join classes and videos. As the school approaches the end of its third quarter grading period, teachers and staff are working with families to maintain a constant flow of information. Like most schools, challenges have included families’ access to the internet, as well as students’ and parents’ levels of ability with respect to technology. However, the St. Joseph School community has rallied together to overcome these challenges. Principal Michael Hackenson encouraged families in a recent communication stating, “As we move forward, we understand that this new method of delivering our lessons will not be perfect because we are all entering uncharted waters. However, SJS has the appropriate, staff, materials and technology in place to meet these challenges. We ask everyone to remember that John 14:27 tells us “Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” We are all in this together! There is no issue that cannot be resolved or challenge that we cannot overcome if we faithfully work together.”
St. Joseph School and St. Joseph Basilica are also working to provide additional support to families and the local community during this crisis. Services include a COVID-19 situation page on the school’s website that highlights information such as how families can set-up a learning space in their home, Google Classroom tutorials for parents, and where families can receive meals if needed. Please visit: https://www.sjs-webster.com/covid-19-information/ In addition, St. Joseph Basilica is streaming Sunday Mass on the Basilica website at https://www.saintjosephbasilica.com/ Mass times include Sunday Vigil – 4:00 PM, Sunday – 7:00 AM (bilingual), 9:00AM (English), and 10:30 AM (Polish). Finally, although the school is unable to provide site tours at this time, prospective families are invited to take a virtual tour of the school by visiting: https://www.sjs-webster.com/virtualtour/ or calling 508-943-0378 for more information.