On Sunday December 3rd, three LEGO Robotics teams from St. Joseph School competed at the Worcester Qualifier event at WPI. St. Joseph School is proud to announce that two of its teams received recognition for their projects.
The 2017 LEGO Challenge Theme was HYDRO DYNAMICS. In addition to completing robot missions associated with this theme, teams were tasked through the Project challenge to identify a problem within the human water cycle, design a solution that makes this problem better, and share their problem and solution with others. People use water every day, but they don’t think much about how and why they use water. Whether it’s directly (drinking or washing) or indirectly (manufacturing the products they use or producing food or energy), humans have a lot of different water needs. The goal of the Project challenge for the HYDRO DYNAMICS season was to improve the way people find, transport, use, or dispose of water.
Team Hydrobeasts received the Research Award for their project recommending the implementation of a protective sleeve on a pH probe used at the Webster-Dudley Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility. The Research Award recognizes a team that utilizes diverse resources to formulate an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the problem they have identified. They worked with Senior Operator, Pamela Welsch, to learn about the importance of monitoring the pH of the wastewater as well as learn about the process. The sleeve they created will help minimize cleaning time and reduce injuries to operators. Team members include: Grade 5 – Dale Boudreau, Lucas Boynton, William Colebourn, and Lauren Gingo; and, Grade 7 – Patrick Mahlert and Olivia Montione.
Team Riptide received the Judges Award for their project to bring a simple, easy to build water filtering process to Sainte Anne Parish in Chardonnier, Haiti. The Judges Award recognizes teams that have a story that sets them apart in a noteworthy way and whose unique efforts, performance or dynamics merit recognition. The team hopes to work with a local bottling company to supply clean bottles of water to the parishioners of Sainte Anne. Once the water is consumed, the team’s goal is for the bottles to be used to create simple filters. The team tested several filtration methods and then designed a label with easy to understand instructions in English and French illustrating how to build the filter. They also designed the label so that it can be used as part of the filtration system. Team members include eighth grade students: Seth Boudreau, Jacob Boynton, Benjamin Colebourn, Hayden Dery, Benjamin Duval and Szymon Mamro.
The third team, the Water Wizardz, had a fun day and also put forth a great effort! Team members include fifth grade students: Elizabeth Mahlert and Grace Pomfret; sixth grade students Toriana Baldassari, Tessa McCabe, Noalani Perez, and Dominic Pigeon,
The teams are coached by Michal Mamro, Joey Boudreau, and Beth Boudreau. They’re sponsored by Leonard Montione of Nordic Shield as well as bankHometown.