On the morning of June 18th, Catholics around the world celebrated the Feast of Corpus Christi.  The feast, which has been observed by Christians since 1246, is a Celebration of Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist.  During the Annual Corpus Christi Celebration at St. Joseph Basilica in Webster, MA, members of the First Communion Class, Parish Ministries, Boy Scouts, Children of Mary and parishioners participated in the procession giving public witness to the Eucharist and expressing their gratitude to Jesus Christ.  This year’s procession began at the doors of the Basilica and stopped at four altars set-up throughout the neighborhood.  Underneath the protection of a canopy, the Eucharist was solemnly carried through the streets of Webster by Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki, Rector, and Associate Pastor, Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski, who took turns carrying the Blessed Sacrament.  They stopped at each altar and a gospel reading was read followed by prayers and a brief blessing.  At the last of the four altars, Fr. Grzegorz gave the Benediction and the celebration concluded with Divine Praises and a closing hymn.  Once more, St. Joseph School students and parishioners expressed their faith in the real presence of their Savior Jesus Christ.  He is among us in the Holy Eucharist not only in a tabernacle, but also in our everyday lives.